Forgotten Cambodia. A good easy-to-read article that says it all.

just a rat in a cage (again and again)
Getting off the subway station this morning, i had the most disturbing encounter. There were three or four retired senior citizens from Attac, the most important pro-Tobin tax and -alternative ways of living organisation in Europe. They were giving away leaflets.
In our times, your life is drawn for you from the start. From 0 to 22, distract yourself (don’t ever forget to drink Coca-Cola, wear Nike and listen Sony), and learn to be productive. From 23 to 65, you’re really useful. Give everything to economics and trade (don’t ever forget to make children). After 65, you’re useless, that’s all. If you were gregarious enough to invest lots of money in a bank, you’ve got the right to travel in sunburnt places, but please don’t deal with business and society matters anymore. You fully deserved your right to be mute and watch stupid TV shows.
As I was seeing the retired senior citizens distributing leaflets at the exit of the subway station, I was thinking to myself : those people are much more useful to the society and to any of us than the 20.000 of us executives in this business district together.

See what brings a bad working environment, you bosses : anarchists.

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