Joel : Building Communities with Software

Q. But that’s censorship!

A. No, it’s picking up the garbage in the park. If we didn’t do it, the signal to noise ratio would change dramatically for the worse. People post spam and get rich schemes, people post antisemitic comments about me, people post nonsense that doesn’t make any sense. Some idealistic youngsters may imagine a totally uncensored world as one in which the free exchange of intelligent ideas raises everyone’s IQ, an idealized Oxford Debate Society or Speakers’ Corner. I am pragmatic and understand that a totally uncensored world just looks like your inbox: 80% spam, advertising, and fraud, rapidly driving away the few interesting people.


When you address troublemakers in public, everyone else thinks you’re paranoid or feels angry at being scolded when they did nothing wrong. It’s like being in grade school again, and one idiot-child has broken a window, and now everyone has to sit there listening to the teacher giving the whole class a stern lecture on why you mustn’t break windows. So any public discussion of why a particular post got deleted, for example, is taboo.

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