Too bad Robert Musil is dead

Amazing how some people around the world seems not to have even a remaining pair of functioning brain cells. A nice example for this week might be this new yorker blogger that calls itself la blogatrice.

Eh, mate, that’s UNFAIR ! WE are supposed to be the antisemitic nazis here.. As such, WE are the only ones allowed to use the most stupidly blatant urban legend to justify our belliquous hatred for anybody who doesn’t think like us ! (making us as despisable as our beloved ennemies). I’ll tell my mummy !

Oh, and by the way, the next time you feel like speaking about French people in one of your daily farts, do me a favor : please mention we eat frog legs twice a week and wear bérets. That’ll make my (and my friends’) day.

Oh, and by the way 2 : The original launcher of this thing said he was wrong, and then that he was not so sure whether he was wrong or not. AH AH AH AH !!

En 1918, Lovecraft écrivait :

Jusqu’à ce jour, les vestiges du monde romain affichent une nette supériorité sur les régions qui ne se sont jamais trouvées sous dénomination de la Mère impériale ; supériorité saisissante si l’on considère les règles et les idéaux sauvages des Allemands, étrangers à l’héritage inestimable de la justice, de l’humanité et de la philosophie latines.

Certains ont toujours eu besoin d’un bel Ennemi pour se sentir exister, on ne peut qu’avoir de la compassion pour eux.

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