
The « Greatest Hits » of the World Architecture, on : buildings and architects.

Number 1s in each category being at this time Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye (beurk) in Poissy and Antonio Gaudi.

Other noticeable stuff : the Eiffel Tower (« Victorian Structural Expressionist », indeed), Gaudi’s Casa Battlo in Barcelona, Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Norman Foster’s Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (wow !), Rem Koolhaas, Imhotep (« considered to be the earliest known named architect ») and Jean Nouvel :

Rejecting the strict obedience to Le Corbusier that had stifled much of modern architecture, Nouvel initiates each project with his mind cleared of any preconceived ideas. Although he may borrow from traditional forms, he creates a building that stretches beyond traditional constraints.

Nouvel places enormous importance on designing a building harmonious with its site and surroundings.

J’ai raté son expo, je mériterai d’aller voir ces grandes oeuvres cinématographiques recommandées par jemisa en guise d’auto-flagellation (et sa belle endormie est merveilleuse, mais avec un carré blanc).

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