Ça m’avait échappé. Je ne peux le croire.

In the end, We Are the Pipettes is a modern indie pop album, and a classic one at that. Like the initial twee and p!o!p! kid movements, it embraces an unhip element of the past, understands that indie pop — even in its tiny, homemade guise — is a mix of escapist fantasy and big gestures doubling as private conversations, and is unabashedly girly. It’s a welcome reclamation of indie pop as the work of bright kids with more ideas than money at a time when the genre’s reigning kings, Belle and Sebastian and the Decemberists, are embracing theater-sized, 1970s-aping rock.

Ce qui ne veux pas dire que le dernier Decemberists n’est pas excellent, bien au contraire.

PS: Ce correcteur d’orthographe intégré dans les champs de saisie (textarea) par Firefox 2, c’est vraiment un killer feature.

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