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Two musical epiphanies in the same day

Two musical epiphanies in the same day

Alex Ross : Unlived Memories

« After playing Chopin, I feel as if I had been weeping over sins that I had never committed, and mourning over tragedies that were not my own. Music always seems to me to produce that effect. It creates for one a past of which one has been ignorant, and fills one with a sense of sorrows that had been hidden from one’s tears. I can fancy a man who had led a perfectly commonplace life, hearing by chance some curious piece of music, and suddenly discovering that his soul, without his being conscious of it, had passed through terrible experiences, and known fearful joys, or wild romantic loves, or great renunciations. »

— Oscar Wilde, « The Critic as Artist »

FluxBlog : Children by the millions

“Alex Chilton” is, of course, about Alex Chilton of Big Star. Or really, it’s about being a fan, and imagining an artist as this larger-than-life figure. In Westerberg’s mythology, Chilton isn’t an obscure figure on the fringe of rock history but instead a beloved pop icon on par with the Beatles. It’s a song where the real world doesn’t matter half as much as one man’s personal passion.