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Remember the purity test ? An old internet classic you should do. I did it again a moment ago (oops!) and I couldn’t get under the score of 74% of purity, again. I’m so straight…

Anyway, for my male readers, the new hip test is the suave-o-meter which will tell you how appreciated you are by girls as a potential love-mate. I won’t tell you my score, since as adam stated it (to fellow webloggeurs) :

any credibility you had in claiming « suaveness » was immediately shot the second you posted your score on the « suave-o-meter » to your weblog. in this post

Anyway, people from any gender are encouraged to try the others tests from, which are well-written, interesting, and above the standard of your disappointing boy/girl magazine summer tests.

My friend Richard maintains his large website (in French), where you can find the famous « Zone Pingouin », evidences that he’s a php3 guru, and a large collection of useful links, among many other stuff. Go there to find the view of a guy who’s been a professional webmaster for more years than any dumb start-up empty-headed prick in the business since Time said it’s hot money-making. Respect.

Hey ! Are you all sleeping ?

The only reaction I got so far ’bout this blog came from Nick, my old friend (almost ten years, mate!) who’s trying to be more leftist than me and wins :

« that may be a different way to use internet » : very elegantly said ; I hope that at least there are porn sites in your weblog…:-)

(translated by me)

Thanks for the humour… but not for the sarcasm ! Yes, there’s another way to use internet, which is not driven by money, greed and the pursuit for power. But you’ve got to search behind a thick layer of crap sites to find it. I guess that it’s the purpose of weblogs to generate a mutual aid network to help people digging…

Enough theory. And… there isn’t porn links so far here, but why not ? A bit of erotism here.

Dinette’s weblog has a wonderful design, and it’s quite funny.

This is very small and this is huge : the bookmarklets are small tools designed to help you browsing. Most of them are great. Try to click <a href="javascript:if(frames.lengthhere as an example !

<french>De retour de vacances. J’y ai eu la surprise de découvrir l’été d’Uzeste Musical, impasse d’autant plus impardonnable de ma part que c’est à 6 km de Noaillan et que cela a lieu tous les étés depuis 23 ans… Ce festival éclectique est une mine d’or (c’est toutefois à chacun d’extraire les pépites du minerai), même s’il était « en grêve » cette année pour cause de subvention refusée. Pendant ce temps, Fabius exonère Vivendi de 5 milliards d’impôts. Pour plus d’infos sur les raisons de la colère, faites un tour sur leur magnifique site et cherchez un peu.

Dans le train et au bord de la piscine, j’ai lu le numéro d’août 2000 du Monde Diplomatique, contenant d’excellents articles de Marcos, de Noam Chomsky, de Garcia Marquez, etc… que je vous conseille d’aller lire dès le mois prochain sur la Toile : leur site contient les archives de tous les numéros parus (sauf celui en kiosque), initiative remarquable. Le diplo a l’inconvénient de ses avantages : c’est dense et épais, je n’ai pas le temps de le lire tous les mois.


A couple of miscellaneous links first :

Green Plastic Radiohead and French hardcore fans Aurélien & Mona present Kid A seconds by seconds : a track by track minute description of each song from the forthcoming and long-awaited Rahiohead fourth album.

<FRENCH>La version française originale du même document. Tant que vous y êtes, faites un tour sur leur excellent site.</FRENCH>

Hundreds of wonderfull bjork wallpapers here.

It’s important to support your local bands from times to times. My problem is that I could hardly introduce a cool new French indie band. Where’s the French indie scene ? Miossec ? Noir Désir ? huum. Placebo is only 1/3 from Luxemburg, dEUS 4/5 belgian, Soulwax 100% Flemish, Venus from Brussels… None of them is French. There’s no way out of house & hip-hop music here.

It seems to me that the French equivalent of indie bands are Ska/Reggae/Punk bands. I mean : hip college girls and boys listen to those bands, and they have a true originality. My best friends (Vioud, that’s you !) know Sergent Garcia, Spook & the Guay, Les Papaz, Rasta Bigoud, Ludwig von 88 and the likes much better than Pavement, Guided by Voices, the Dismemberment Plan, Zita Swoon or even the Best Band of The World (c)(tm) : dEUS

So, after three weeks of intense Tori Amos infatuation (« To Venus & Back » is the second CD I have burnt to Nita, the first one being.. guess it… dEUS’ Ideal Crash), until she (Tori) made her way to my 1999 top-ten, after these three weeks, I’m currently driving myself to an auditive O.D. of the Ruda Salska second album : L’Art de la Joie. Very good music, that avoids two main drawbacks of bad ska/punk bands : a) the songs don’t seem like they’re all the same : the melody and the beats change thorough the LP (for the best!); b) the lyrics are very clever, and never reduce to a boring « fuck the police / fuck the fascism » everyone agrees about. So, being French or not, you should give it a serious try, since this band manages to make very good songs without taking itself seriously, with the fun of life as the only motivation.

PS: un très bon site français sur Tori Amos.

Imagine you start a band with your mates and are trying…

Imagine you start a band with your mates and are trying…

Imagine you start a band with your mates and are trying to find a coooool name :

– If you’re planning to put the word « head » in it, check Head Bands before.

– Browse the internet for some funny ideas.

– Try to list meaningfuls names on a notebook.

– Remember to put the accurate add-on.

– Delete those names that are too easy.

– Anyway erase all those stupid lame spittings coming from your sick head…

– …and let others [1] [2] find the glorious denomination by which nobody will call you. You’re just a basement band, suckers !

My old friend Arnaud (a.k.a. the underground master) recently…

My old friend Arnaud (a.k.a. the underground master) recently…

My old friend Arnaud (a.k.a. the underground master) recently asked me to copy him my compilations former to #4 (he owns a #4 manur’s compilation, the lucky man). Sadly, I had to tell him that I hadn’t kept a master of all those mixtapes I have made through the recent years. The only satisfaction I can offer him is to put online the tracklists. So, following this link, you’ll find my compilation/mixtapes/whatever you want to call that… If YOU did some interesting tapes, I’d be extremely happy to discover it.

Remarks : If you are into indie rock, you’ll find my mixtapes pretty disappointing as they take no risks. There isn’t even a couple of Sonic Youth tracks for you elitist pricks. If you are, let’s say, into hip-hop or jazz, or classic rock, you’ll find them disappointing as well (« who the hell are that flaming lips guys singing about scientists, for chrissake ? »). These were intended to open-minded, open-hearted friends, to which I wanted to introduce wonderful songs without getting too underground.

(BTW Arnaud, what did you say on that answering machine / késtadisurmonrépondeurgérienkapté ?)

I’ve just finished (re-)reading Dalva, by Jim Harrison. This is such a beautiful book. I was just going through the last pages listening to some Tori Amos songs, it was really great.

Current mood : a bit depressed. No one has reacted over this blog since Nick did (not a very English sentence, but i don’t really care right now). Not being in the Blogger public directory yet doesn’t help, I think. But if you guys don’t show an atom of interest from times to times (submit your favorite links, for example), I won’t find the strength to go on with it… (Nita, you don’t need to pretend liking this and all, you’re already my sweetheart…).

Okay, next time, if you’re nice enough, i’ll tell you how working in a bank’s headquarters at the end of the 20th century, a capitalist experience by nature, can turn into a soviet-like socialist hell. Yes, I will. If you’re kind to me.