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Libération : Le wargame de Guy Debord in situ

«Et allez donc !, vous vous dites. Un jeu vidéo inspiré par Guy Debord maintenant ! Qu’est-ce qu’ils sont encore allés chercher pour faire leurs intéressants à Libé, hein.»


« …et c’est peut-être la seule de mes œuvres, je le crains, à laquelle on osera reconnaître quelque valeur. » — Guy Debord, Panégyrique

[Merci à Rom]

Il y a peu de gens que j’admire autant que José Antonio Abreu. The Sistema story so far.

Lennar Acosta, now a clarinettist in the Caracas Youth Orchestra and a tutor at the Simón Bolívar Conservatory, had been arrested nine times for armed robbery and drug offences before the sistema offered him a clarinet.

« At first, I thought they were joking, » he recalls. « I thought nobody would trust a kid like me not to steal an instrument like that. But then I realized that they were not lending it to me. They were giving it to me. »

« The Avant Garde Project is a series of recordings of 20th-century classical-experimental-electroacoustic music digitized from LPs whose music has in most cases never been released on CD, and so is effectively inaccessible to the vast majority of music listeners today.

The analog rig used to extract the sound from the grooves is near state-of-the-art, producing almost none of the tracking distortion or surface noise normally associated with LPs. »

91 disques disponibles dans les archives du site, au moins quatre autres via BitTorrent, et un nouveau chaque semaine.

The Westerner’s Fear of the Neonsign : The Seven Stages of Gaijinhood

The first dip in sanity occurs when people try just too hard to learn. Eager students may sacrifice critical judgment in the race to absorb their new cultural surroundings. They often stop you while you are eating and say: “You know, you’re not supposed to do that with your chopsticks, it means that the souls of the dead children won’t float to heaven properly.”

On pourrait remplacer « Gaijin » par « Barang » et « Japan » par « South-East Asia », cela marcherait tout autant.