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Author: manur

The Guardian’s NetJetters.

The British progressive newspaper sends readers travelling around the world, and asks them to wirte weekly reports and take pictures with a digital camera.

Read the application’s letters, they’re interesting.

A few days ago, Andrew was in Cambodia.

[via jemisa]

Let’s Béguine

Murder in the Béguinage, an interactive discovery of the historical beguinage of Lier (Belgium).

This interactive discovery will show you the most beautiful places in the beguinage in an entertaining way. You will be in charge in a murder case that recently happened in the beguinage. It will become clear that the murderer must be searched in one of the 162 houses of the beguinage itself…

Nice little link.

Béguinage : (…) The female followers of the mystical movement [of the 13th century] were tolerated in the form of the ‘Beguine’ movement. They were allowed to live in separate parts of the cities, in the so-called Beguinages. In this way, the religious authorities could control and supervise them. The beguines lived like regular nuns, but did not make the same binding vows that nuns normally made. Beguines usually made the vows of obedience and chastity, but not the vow of poverty. Moreover, they could at all times break their vows and leave the beguine community.

(The Béguinage of Bruges is a wonderful place, just like the rest of the city.)

BlogStory a demarré, et pour l’instant c’est plutôt intéressant. Moi qui m’étais promis d’afficher une attitude objective et critique, j’ai déjà mon/ma favori/te (je vais pas vous dire qui c’est non plus, quand même…).

Jeff, si tu me lis, le nombre de commentaires postés entre parenthèses après chaque post serait vraiment une amélioration bienvenue.

Quant aux participants, s’ils me lisent : D’où venez-vous ? Qui êtes-vous ? Comment avez-vous entendu parler de BlogStory et pourquoi vous êtes-vous inscrits ?

Voilà les vraies questions, pour commencer…