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Month: février 2001

I mean, we KNEW we were fucked in high school, and perhaps even college, but the web came along, and gave us a bit of pause. That pause is, painfully, over.

Everyone’s favourite start-up is in trouble.

Blogger is a great tool. It deserves to live, because it epitomizes what the web should be (should’ve been). Personnal expression, community, democracy, exchange.
So far, the dot-coms downfall has mainly affected useless companies, and poorly managed ones. It was a relief.
But now the great ideas, the responsible companies are on the brink of collapse, too.
I strongly support the idea of a mostly free Internet. But sometimes, when it’s worth the price, when I feel I’m considered like a responsible citizen of the world, I’m okay to pay. I wouldn’t mind giving away, say, $1 (or 1 euro) per month for Blogger. Micro-payments are a possible solution. For a web where every hyperlink doesn’t lead to
And, who knows ? we, the tenths of thousand webloggers, could make Blogger the first profitable company on the web.